Establishes Offshore Corporations, LLCs, Trusts, and Bank Accounts · Since 1906

About Us – Lawyers Limited

Lawyers Limited PLLC is a law firm based in and attorney(s) licensed in Washington, D.C., serving clients nationwide and globally. Lawyers Limited (Nevada) provides non-lawyer support services.

Since 1906, Lawyers Limited has served thousands of happy clients. This includes business owners, including attorneys, accountants, physicians and others. Our organization is dedicated to the homegrown values of Integrity, Value, Superior Service and Customer Happiness.

You can rely on Lawyers Limited for the long-term. Lawyers Limited is committed to excellence. We provide first-class service in the field of establishing corporations, LLCs, trusts and other tools and business services. In addition, we have a heartfelt desire to give our treasured customers the best service at a reasonable price. Want to see proof? Take a look at our Lawyers Limited reviews. Fill out our free contact form. Let us to serve you. You’ll be very happy that you did!

BF Leete
Benjamin Franklin Leete

Our Founder in 1906

B.F. Leet founded Lawyers Limited in 1906. Mr. Leet was a remarkable business person in the US state of Nevada. Though the company had a different name back then, he operated his businesses during the late 1800’s and early 1900’s.

A well-known figure in the local business world, Leete had the bold vision of an entrepreneur and as well a knack for invention. The fascinating thing about Leete is this: He began “inside the box.” That is, he was an East Coaster. He could have stayed in the old economy and remained in familiar territory.  But he chose to venture out West.

The irony is that most to businesspeople do their best to utilize top-level legal and financial structures to minimize list. The try to use the best financial strategies to maximize income, decrease taxes, protect assets from lawsuits, and transfer wealth to heirs. That is what Lawyers Limited does today.

The Old and the New

Speaking of today, the current CEO of Lawyers Limited has been at the helm of companies in this industry since 1991. Leete made his mark in the mid-19th and early 20th centuries. Technological breakthroughs were abundant, but by the standards we have today, antiquated. His playground was the wild-wild West. Can you imagine all the saloons, horses and gunslingers on the dirt roads? Walk inside and you’d have seen the worn staircases leading to hotel rooms with squeaky wooden floors and quilted bedding.

What B.F. Leete, who invented what became Lawyers Limited and Jeffrey Bezos, who founded Amazon, had in common was their ability to recognize opportunities that others did not. And that is how this – and needless to say, just about every entrepreneurial story starts.

Each of these business leaders also had the gut instincts and knowhow to unfurl their potentials as well as the patience to stick with it until they succeeded.  Oh yes, and the confidence to brush setbacks off of their shoulders.  As time progressed, Leete performed his business duties to serve the public and help other business leaders realize the dreams they had envisioned. As a result, his community thrived. Well, at least for a time. The region of his first business venture, however, is currently a ghost town with the foundational remnants of where houses and buildings once stood.

Lawyer Signing Agreement

“The Lawyers Limited Genetic Code”

Okay, let’s go out on a limb and call it “Leeteism.” As a company, Leetism is weaved into our DNA. Here at Lawyers Limited, the vision of B.F. Leete’s, solving problems, and the great tradition of serving the public has remained in our genetic code. What that means is that when you talk, our habit is to listen. Each person is different. Unique. So, we hone in on each individual’s specific needs.  As a result, when unified, we at Lawyers Limited can help you make the best decisions. We strategize with you so that you will have the proper legal tools to build, protect and transfer your hard-earned wealth. At the same time, our step-by-step process won’t drain the fun and enjoyment out of the rough and tumble of pure capitalism that we, as business people, tend to crave. The fees are reasonable. All those principles were embed Leete’s values.

B.F. Leete, whose full name is Benjamin Franklin Leete, could have crusted over and hardened in the comfort and familiarity of his upbringing. He was among the East Coasters, the heritage of whom stretches way back to colonial times; and maybe even to an elitist past in the Old Country.

Leete made his earthly debut on February 25, 1831 in the town of DeRuyter, New York. His family tree included a governor of the Hartford and Branford colonies. His name was William Leete. But in Leet’s life, the upbringing that started in a traditional Eastern American manner did not last for long. Other plans were brewing.

East to West

Initially, Leete had the classic education in the literary arts. That’s what a proper young man did back then. After that, though, he trained in civil engineering. That catapulted him into the game-changing world of railway transportation. He got to know the big players. The iron horse was Leete’s ticket out of old paradigms. Leete’s first railroad job brought him to Nevada. Instantly he was released from the closed-systems mindsets of the East Coast. He thrived amid the freedoms of the west. Nothing was unthinkable. Everything was doable. Conformity? Smirk smirk.

From the get-go in Nevada, Leete was a very busy guy. He became a force in the transcontinental railroad. He was an officer in the Kinkead Gold and Silver Mining company in Pyramid Lake. That is where he learned plenty about the mining industry.  He became a founding officer on the State Agricultural Society. He owned the Goylic Mill in Greenville. He was Presidential elector for William Jennings Bryan. A populist, Bryan, like the Kennedy dynasty, mesmerized with lofty rhetoric. Leete also married his soulmate from his hometown Isabelle McNeal. They had three sons. All three joined him in his business ventures. But what set his direction was, as with Amazon, leveraging one innovation to create others. For Amazon it was transferring the technology to sell books online to other kinds of ecommerce.

Lette used that newfangled invention – the iron horse – to put together a unique system for supplying what a mineral a mine out west needed. That mineral was salt. The mines used salt to process sliver ore. Leete also innovated other salt “apps.”

It played out this way. Leete connected the dots on the Comstock mine’s requirement for huge quantities of salt, the existence of nearby salt springs, and a conveniently located rail line operated by the Central Pacific for transporting the salt. That was the classic ah-ha moment in commerce. It is the business of Lawyers Limited to transform that moment into the first steps on the journey to building, holding, increasing, and passing on wealth.

Eagle Salt Works

The Technology of the Desert Sun

Leete’s company was Eagle Salt Works. The technology was quite simple. His methodology for extracting the water from the salt beds was to transport the raw materials to the desert sun. That did the trick. Each and every day he could make 10 tons of salt per acre. The process was efficient. The cost was low because of the proximity of the railway. Between 1879 and 1884, his company shipped 334,000 tons of salt.

Lawyers Limited Nevada Corporation

Leveraging Know-How

Salt expertise would be a terrible thing to waste. Of course, Leete commercialized his know-how. As a side hustle, for example, he developed and manufacturing sulphurated salt. The uses were primarily for farm animals. The products could prevent skin diseases like mange in horses and cattle and scab in sheep. Ranchers loved what Leete marketed.

Central Pacific Railroad

A Proactive Company

Disaster could have happened in 1903. That was when the Central Pacific Railroad rerouted its main line. That closed down the transportation loop from salt beds to desert to mine. But Leete did not let that happen. He was proactive.

In 1902, he put together an interesting plan to present to Central Pacific. When they pulled up their tracks, he proposed, they would leave every other tie in place. The railroad bought in. And in 1903, instead of going out of business, Leete added to his enterprises the Eagle Salt Works Railroad.

An Invisible Hand

However, Adam Smith’s Invisible Hand did a smackdown on the silver mining business during the period 1906 through 1910.  Demand declined. So then did the demand for salt. Long story short, Leete could not keep up the payments on the $23,535 loan he took out with Southern Pacific to build his own railroad. He filed for bankruptcy. Southern Pacific took over the salt business and the railroad.

Then as well as now, bankruptcy is a tool the U.S. legal system provides to allow a fresh start. Since Leete’s time, a number of strategies have been created to protect personal assets during a bankruptcy. Among the newer ones is the Asset Protection Trust (APT).

Las Vegas 1906

Learning Lessons

Was Leete’s first major entrepreneurial venture a failure?  That is not how some in Silicon Valley view negative business developments. Instead they reframe them as great learning experiences. In applying for jobs at some tech companies, at least one, preferably more than one, of those types of bloopers are required to be on a resume. In fact, for a while failing was the new cool. A whole mythology emerged: Failure is good.

At Lawyers Limited, though, we do not view business that way. Failure is not good. Instead we guide businesses how to establish corporate structures which reduce the financial fallout from the kind of reversal Leete experienced.

President Calvin Coolidge
President Calvin Coolidge

Managing Risks

Part of Leete’s genius is that he had down cold that he had to manage risk. Then, just like now, so many factors impacting the enterprise were wild cards.

Way back in 1906, when being a vendor to the Comstock silver mine was souring, Leete did establish a corporation. It was called Leete Syndicate. Essentially it was a Nevada and California land holding company and gold mine operator. That represented a key step in taking advantage of the protections provided by the law and financial vehicles. Overall, America is pro-business. After all, it is the headquarters for global capitalism. U.S. president Calvin Coolidge went on record as saying that business of America is business.


In 2008, our existing company acquired Lawyers Limited, the Nevada corporation Leete formed in 1906. That was a particularly good fit because we had launched our first firm in Nevada in 1991. The values of B.F. Leete exactly mirrored our own. In assisting clients, we can spot opportunities that our competitors may not. Those pertain to everything from which state or country to incorporate in to how to use an LLC or asset protection trust. Then, together you and the Lawyers Limited team up for success and managing threats.

What Does Lawyers Limited Do?

Okay, let’s get technical. Lawyers Limited performs business consulting services. and assists people in developing their own financial asset management programs on behalf of individuals, families and businesses. Our key focus is in the area of the protection of financial assets and valuables from creditors, divorces, lawsuits and judgements.

For example, a physician client of ours started a side business with another practitioner. His partner sued him. So, our attorneys and consultants worked with the doctor so he could develop his own financial management program. We helped him set up a series of entities and tools. He used them for the purpose of protecting his assets from the lawsuit. He thought he would easily win. He lost. His joy was quite obvious when he called us in a choked up voice thanking us for protecting his life savings. It is calls like that that we live for.

Many Ways to Serve You

Currently, we have five ways to serve you. They are through the brands we manage:

  • Asset Protection Planners ®
  • Offshore Company
  • Offshore Corporation
  • 1-800-Company ®
  • Companies Incorporated ®

Just Do Your Thing

Today, of course, business is more complex than it had been in Leete’s time. When he started out, he could, as the saying goes, “just do his own thing.” Essentially, his first big bang was putting together a low-cost system for supplying a needed mineral to miners. And, that innovation brought wealth to the miners and to the community. A rising tide lifts all boats.

If he were going on the playing field today, he would have to do a lot more legal and financial planning than he did in the mid-19th and early 20th centuries.

Front-Loading Success

Today, at the front end, Leete would have to study options among the legal and financial approaches for licensing, permits, tax reduction, shielding assets from creditors and jury verdicts/settlements, earning income from investments, and transferring wealth during a lifetime and after death.

One challenge is that there are so many options. We sit down with you and explain in detail the pros and cons of each.

Companies Incorporated Building

Change the Constant

Along the way everything can and will change, as Leete found out about silver mining. So, the legal and financial strategies might also have to change. Lawyers Limited is there with you on that entire journey. The business is yours. But you do not have to go it alone.

We make it our business to anticipate what is happening currently and what could happen down the road in terms of regulatory and litigation threats. Each national and state election can be a game-changer.

The good news is this: Risk can be tamed, for businesses at all stages, from startup to scaling to mature. Assets, large or small, deserve multi-layers of protection.

Corporate Kit

Testing Our own DNA at Lawyers Limited

Suppose you sent our DNA to one of those services such as Ancestry. The report back to you would confirm that Lawyers Limited is:

  • Staffed by niche experts. They have hands-on experience in sectors ranging from real estate to retail. We make it our business to know your business.
  • We are programmed to identify narrow underused and just-opening-up passageways in wealth creation, tax reduction, protection, and transfer.
  • Customer-Centric. We are “in” your business. That is why we provide a satisfaction guarantee.
  • One-stop “shopping.” As an aggregate, the four units provide comprehensive service.
  • Total confidentiality. We not only process your transactions to ensure privacy. We lock that into your financial planning. The classic example is how we assist you in establishing an offshore company.
  • User-friendly. We have transformed “red tape” into simplified procedures. The logistics of business formation need not make your feel like you are caught in a bureaucratic loop.
  • Same day in same day out for many transactions. As Benjamin Franklin, whom our founder was named after, observed: “Time is money.” We do not want you to miss out on a minute of earning power.
  • Trusted brands like ours do not have to be high-cost ones.
  • Online through our Learning Center and one-on-one in-person we share best practices. They include how to conduct business with foreign prospects and customers.

Please contact us at 888-234-4949 or complete our online consultation form.

Leete made his mark in the mid-19th and early 20th centuries. Technological breakthroughs were abundant, but by the standards we have today, antiquated. His playground was the wild-wild West. Can you imagine all the saloons, horses and gunslingers on the dirt roads? Walk inside and you’d have seen the worn staircases leading to hotel rooms with squeaky wooden floors and quilted bedding.

What B.F. Leete, who invented what became Lawyers Limited and Jeffrey Bezos, who founded Amazon, had in common was their ability to recognize opportunities that others did not. And that is how this – and needless to say, just about every entrepreneurial story starts.

Each of these business leaders also had the gut instincts and knowhow to unfurl their potentials as well as the patience to stick with it until they succeeded.  Oh yes, and the confidence to brush setbacks off of their shoulders.  As time progressed, Leete performed his business duties to serve the public and help other business leaders realize the dreams they had envisioned. As a result, his community thrived. Well, at least for a time. The region of his first business venture, however, is currently a ghost town with the foundational remnants of where houses and buildings once stood.

Lawyers Limited is not a law firm, tax advisor or financial planner and does not give legal, tax or financial planning advice. Should you need such services, seek the counsel of a licensed attorney, accountant or licensed advisor. See further details in our terms in the link below.


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